Cloud Stacking PlanHelp ManualPropertiesFloor & Suite Management Overview

Floor & Suite Management Overview

The following Layout Presented below outlines the major components of the Floor and Suite Management. Once you are familiar with these components you will be able to edit them by using the options available.


For more information on Creating and Managing your Floors & Suites, click the following links

Creating and Selecting Properties

Importing Your Data

Creating and Managing Floors of a Property

Creating and Managing Suites of a Floor within a Property

Floor & Suite Management Orientation

Floor & Suite Management Orientation

Floor & Suite Management Orientation

  1. Property Name and Address
  2. Header Navigation
  3. Adding a Floor (Floor Order, Floor Name, # of Suites)
  4. SAVE button
  5. DELETE Floor Link
  6. Suite Detail Screen Link
  7. Floor Order
  8. Floor Name
  9. Suite Detail Links
  10. Suite Category
  11. Suite Square footage
  12. Suite Name
  13. Lease Begin Date
  14. Lease Ending Date
  15. Lease Rate

Suite Detail Orientation

Suite Detail Orientation

Suite Detail Orientation

  1. Property Name and Address
  2. Header Navigation
  3. Load Suite By Floor
    1. Select Floor
    2. Select Suite
    3. Delete Suite
    4. Add New Suite
  4. Description/Comments
  5. Embed A Document For Stacking Plan
    1. Browse Button / Selected File Window
    2. Upload Button
    3. View Button
    4. “Delete Document” Checkbox
  6. File Cabinet
  7. Suite & Tenant Detail
    1. Suite Number
    2. Sqft
    3. Contact Name
    4. Contact Email
    5. Contact Phone
    6. Contact Cell
    7. Tenant Name for Stacking Plan Display
    8. Suite Abbreviation (for use in the Stacking Plan)
    9. Suite Category
    10. Business Type Category
    11. “Suite is Vacant” Checkbox
    12. “Suite is Available” Checkbox
    13. “Lease Not Occupied” Checkbox
  8. Lease Detail
    1. Lease Began
    2. Lease Expiration
    3. Lease Type
    4. Lease Rate
    5. Security Deposit
    6. Security Type
    7. Next Bump Amount
    8. Next Bump Date
    9. Escalation Percentage
    10. Estimated Expiration
    11. Expire Stop
    12. “Right of First Offer” Checkbox
    13. “Renewal Option” Checkbox
    14. “Contraction Option” Checkbox
    15. “Termination Option” Checkbox
    16. SAVE button
  9. Bump Schedule
    1. Date
    2. Amount
    3. Description
    4. ADD button
  10. SubLease & Lease Availability Detail
    1. Add Lease Availability Button
    2. Update Records Edited Below Button
    3. Browse Button / Selected File Window
    4. Assign File to Selected Button
    5. Availability Checkbox
    6. File Selection Bubble
    7. Suite Number
    8. Tenant Name
    9. Landlord Name
    10. Square Footage
    11. Lease Begin Date
    12. Lease Expiration Date
    13. Lease Rate
    14. Additional Rent
    15. Operation Cost
    16. Notes
    17. Availability
    18. Tenant Inducements
    19. Term
    20. Net Return
    21. Lease Type
    22. Delete Link
  11. Additional Contacts
    1. Select a New Tenant Association Name
    2. Tenant Represented Broker/Agent 1 Name
    3. Tenant Represented Broker/Agent 2 Name
    4. Listing Broker/Agent Name
    5. View Assigned Tenant Button
    6. SAVE Button
  12. Additional Leasing Information
    1. Signed Date
    2. Term in Months
    3. Year- 1 Lease Rate
    4. Free Rent in Months
    5. Average Gross Effective Lease Rate
    6. Escalation Amount ($)
    7. Tenant Improvements Amount
    8. Moving Allowance Amount
    9. Cabling Allowance Amount
    10. Covered Parking Amount ($)
    11. Parking Abatement % (Total Percentage of Lease Term that Tenant gets their Covered Parking Charges Abated
    12. Parking Ratio (Spaces per Amount of Square Footage)
    13. % of Parking Covered (Total Percentage of Parking Ratio that is Covered)
    14. SAVE button
  13. Suite Occupancy History
    1. Archive This Suite Detail For Historical Analysis Button
    2. Name
    3. Lease Began Date
    4. Lease Expiration Date
    5. Archived Date