
  1. If utilizing the Vendor Portal within the location, all invoices must be submitted through the portal. (If not on the portal, when submitting invoices, vendors must submit three copies, one that goes back to them, one that is scanned into the system and one that goes to the owner. DON’T make copies for them.)
  2. The bills must be broken down into labor and parts not all lumped together. The exception would be the invoices for rehabs. These must be line itemed but do not have to be broken down.
  3. Explain that bills are paid on a net 30, but they may be paid weekly if the funds are available. Bills are usually paid weekly so all invoices should be turned in by Monday’s end of business day of that week.
  4. Before bills are paid on your designated date, they should be proofed to make sure the vendor did not overcharge and the invoicing is done correctly. If there is an error, then let the vendor know what the error is and to revise the bill before paying it. This reduces the chances that the property owner may call in later to complain about the error.