Completing Inspections

Once you return to the office, you will:

  1. Fill out the FWT/Rehab check list sheet to start your checklist. This is a hard copy checklist that follows your file with you, but will be updated via the field tablet in the future. (This form can be found in M1-Forms-Maintenance-Rehab Checklist.xls)  View the Job Estimate on the tablet in M1 if owner did their own work or if we did the work and look at each room before you do it.  
  2. Complete and attend to items on the checklist appropriate to condition of property, making sure you update the (ILR) For Rent list or Move-in List (RML) in M1 and the (LMS) and adjust your availability date as well on the property. All these items are on your rehab ledger check list.
  3. Find and view the digital video file from the prior resident (if applicable) as you work up your estimate in M1. The file can be found in the M1 file cabinet or on your local office network where large video files are stored.  This will assist in your determination of who is responsible for the repairs needed on the property (resident or owner).
  4. Assign the responsibility of who is liable for what resident or owner. This can be noted on the rehab checklist and there will be a designated area to assign the charges in M1 in the future.
  5. Decide whether the repairs are Mandatory or Optional. Start putting an “R” for recommends on your estimate to give you negotiation room with the Vendor
  6. Call the property owner with your preliminary findings, advising that the Vendor still needs to walk the property to provide a final estimate. This will give the owner a heads up of what funds will be needed and they can start to get them together. Use the 3 “F’s” for “Feel, Felt Found” to negotiate. Use the phrase, “by the way” to move the conversation where you need it to go and to enable you to have better time management.  

There may be items that you recommend be completed but are not considered mandatory during the rehab.  You will designate these items on the estimate as (R) before the line item description. Some items may not be listed on the price sheet and must be filled in by the Vendor. This is common with carpet replacement.  You will list the item on the estimate and follow the description with “est?” and put the relative price per the price list and then have the Vendor adjust the price if needed.  Example:  If you know the square footage of the home is 1200 and the price per square foot for carpet is $10.00 you will insert the price of $12,000. The Vendor will then measure the areas exactly and adjust the price. Don’t leave the price “$0.00” as the Vendor will have more flexibility on the pricing and might over charge.  

There will also be times when you are uncertain as to the condition or means of repairing an item.  You will list this item on the estimate and follow the line item description with “advise”.  The Vendor will give you their opinion and a price to complete the repair.  

You can then email the preliminary estimate to the Vendor (in M1).  If doing it with a hard copy you can place it in the tickler file for appropriate follow-up date.  After receiving the estimate back from Vendor in M1 (you will be notified by email when the estimate is sent back), you will revise your estimate total and contact the owner for a final discussion of the repairs needed and total funds that must be sent in to complete the work.  You will NOT issue any work orders until funds have been received from the owner.  Using Check by Fax, Email or electronic funds really helps to expedite this stage.  Once you have the final work order totals, you can send Job Est via email to accounting for disbursement of the resident’s security deposit. They will use it to compile the repair deductions for the security deposit disbursement along with any other fees, rent, etc that may be owed by the resident

Once the funds are received from the owner, you can issue the work orders. The exception is if funds are over $3,000 work orders can’t be issued until funds clear the bank, typically 36 hours. Accounting will call to ensure the funds cleared.  Provide the Vendor with 4 business days in which to complete their work. Remember the following:

  1. Make sure you input the deadline on all work orders.
  2. Lawn and sprinkler repairs have to be done by the gardener, including complete seed and cover.  You’ll need to do a separate work order for this.  Since they do the temp lawn or perm lawn they will be responsible for the germination, and keeping the lawn looking green.
  3. Be sure to update the Move-in List (RML)with and status changes if the property is already rented and change the For Rent List if the property is still on the market
  4. Be sure to follow-up about every other day on your work order status in M1 by viewing the open work order report.
    • If doing hard copies, your paperwork can be placed in your tickler file for follow up with date notations in the left margin of the Rehab checklist. (The hardcopy checklist will continue to move through the tickler file throughout the entire rehab  process)
  5. It is a good practice to confirm with the Vendor that they received the work orders and can finish the work in the desired time frame. We recommend giving Vendors 1 day for every $1000 worth of work to be done with a minimum of 3 work days for any kind of rehab you’re doing.
  6. Map out your day at your desk with the GPS. Use your Route Management on your tablet which you can access from your desk top as well. This will save you another 20 min a day.