Locate a suitable Market Area
Choosing the right market for your office is critical. You should do this BEFORE evaluating any office location.
Location can be very important for visibility and walk-in traffic. However, it is not a necessity. Many property management companies have been very successful operating in small office complexes with little to no visibility. You can attract business through a well-defined, well targeted marketing program, without having to rely on a prominent office location. Evaluate the average rents being charged for the space you'll need for your office. In most cases, you should be able to find a very affordable location for the relatively small space to run your operation. Unless, you are managing over 1000 accounts, you should never need more than 6 employees. So if you plan on expanding from 1 to 3 or 4 employees during the first 3 years of your lease, you should consider a space large enough to accommodate that possibility.
Never accept a location because it is the only one available, or because it’s inexpensive.
Factors to look for in choosing the market area to be serviced by your office:
- Types of shopping areas (corporate, hub, convenience, neighborhood)
- Commercial/retail mix, are vendors/subcontractors close by?
- Presence of national or corporate chains
- Estimated age, appearance and upkeep of other commercial properties. (i.e. is it a nice area?)
- Is the area growing? Lots of construction?
- Consumer profile -- size of population, age, occupation, income
- Age, density, estimated value, upkeep of closest residential area
- Number of non-owner occupied rental units in the area
Select an office site
- Visibility -- can the center and potential office site be seen? Residents and owners will still have to come to your office to sign paperwork
- Accessibility in and out of the center -- easy or difficult?
- Parking (staff and customers) -- is there plenty or hardly enough?