Preparing for your Grand Opening

A grand opening advertising plan is necessary to establish both name recognition and a flow of customers coming to your office.  Through careful planning and spending, these goals will be accomplished.

Items to be completed for Grand Opening

  • Send an electronic email invitation to all Real Estate agents, Escrow Agents, Current Clients announcing your open house/Grand Opening with an RSVP
  • Establish a Social Media presence including Facebook and Instagram. Connect with cities surrounding your business. Posting your grand opening on these sites is a great way to get your name out there.
  • Start a Facebook campaign
  • Post an Ad online with  your local newspaper
  • Order food and drinks, etc.
  • Setup balloons, signage, etc.
  • Setup giveaway items for branding (notepads, post its, pens, fabric grocery bags, etc.
  • Install a “Coming Soon” or “Grand Opening” banner on the office building during build out  

Schedule final inspection of construction

Your contractor normally schedules the final inspection.  If your contractor will not handle this for you, contact the building authorities to schedule an inspection.


Clean your office

Make sure your office sparkles.  The average customer judges the professionalism of the office by its cleanliness.  There is no such thing as an office being too clean.