Training Checklist

Items to be trained on for this division

  1. Learning your website on where you’re clients will be going to find you and the information they will be seeing when they come to your site.  Click here for an example of what we recommend
  2. How to take the first call  See Script on NPO
  3. Filling out a NPO- (property information sheet)
  4. What automated letters to send them from NPO
  5. How to handle the follow up call
  6. How to create a CRA (Comparable Rental Analysis)
  7. How to prep for your appointment with a new owner
  8. Putting together a new account sign up package- face to face
  9. Putting together a new account sign up package via phone/internet
  10. Calling the owner back on the CRA and getting an appointment to sign the account  See script
  11. Learning the PPT (Power Point Presentation) given when the you sign the account- See Power Point Presentation and Video
  12. The actual face to face appointment
  13. The actual internet/phone appointment
  14. Process the file after you have signed up the new owner and their property
  15. Chronological order of the entire process of a new owner prospect
  16. Sending out your thank you notes, referral fee if appropriate, etc
  17. Re-allocating in your contact management system what they will receive from now on that they are a client
  18. Follow up after signing the new account on day 1 and day 7 days after it rents and ask for referrals.