Email For Sales

Initial Email

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Thank you for considering our property management services at Management One. Here is the information regarding our services that we discussed. Please review it at your earliest convenience.

1. To view our services if you haven’t done so already, Click here.

2. To view what other clients think about us and our services please click here..

I will be calling you at the time we designate to go over the CRA (Comparable Rental Analysis) so you can see what your property will rent for.

If you're not able to keep our telephone appointment please call me as early as possible so we can reschedule as I want to make sure I have adequate time to answer all your questions.

Kindest regards,

Business Development 

Email 2 A

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(If you set the appointment to go see them)

This is pursuant to confirm our appointment on _____________at ____am/pm at ___________________________________.

Here is a link to our management agreement for you to review before our appointment.

Click here:

Thanks for the opportunity to present our property management services.

When I arrive for our appointment, we will need about an hour.  After presenting all our services should we both agree to move forward in doing business together and authorizing a management agreement we would need the following;

- Keys to the property

- A deposit of $349 which I will go over in detail at

 the presentation.

- Homeowners association link to a PDF if  any if any  association

- FOBS or Transponders to Front Gates if any

- FOBS or Transponders to POOL if you're in an Assoc if any

- Garage door remotes

In the event you would need to reschedule our appointment for some reason please contact me at your earliest.

Thank you for the opportunity and I look forward to meeting you.

Kindest regards,

Business Development

Email 2 B

Click here to download the email and customize it for your company.

(This is used if you are not able to set the appointment)

Thank you for your time today.  After our phone conversation I can see you will need more time to evaluate your options before making a decision.  Take a few days and I will contact you back shortly to answer more of your questions. In the meantime consider these “Key” Services and Experience we provide......

a.      Reputable Residents:  We guarantee to pay for all court cost and Attorney fees for any resident that would default on rent.

b.      Manage the Resident.......scheduled monthly and annual inspections of your property to make sure the resident it taking care of your property and keep them accountable.

c.      Manage your cash flow....... we maximize your income with regular rent increase when the market demand is there ($50 rent increase a year can put over $9000 in your pocket in just 6 short years)

d.      Manage the property................ we have access to a variety of reputable trades people for repairs and maintenance. We have all vendors on fixed pricing on all our repairs with no mark up on repairs from Management One. You pay what we pay, not a penny more.

e.      Manage the legalities ................with 27 years of experience in evictions, small claims court cases and managing a property for a Judge for 6 years, we know what needs to be in the rental agreements to keep you out of most legal situations with a Resident. We also have the knowledge and experience to handle situation should they become an issue.

Warmest regards,

Business Development

Email 3

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(Final email before being disabled)

If you are still in the process of making a decision on whether to rent, stay, or sell your home, we completely understand. Change isn’t always simple and there are many things to consider.

Understanding the benefits and risks of property rental is the key to making the right decision. Please, if you need additional information from us, don’t hesitate to ask. We’d be delighted to provide it without delay.

We plan to stay in touch over the coming months with our newsletter that highlight some of the benefits and tips on maximizing any rental property including taxes, maintenance and property owner rights.

Kindest regards,

Business Development