Daily Schedule...Typical

Please note this schedule is set as if you’re just working this division and doing some marketing for your company.

First, you must control your time or they will, therefore this is essential in order to make your goals.

Mondays are busy for calls so do not set appointments on Mondays at all.  We recommend you’re in the office all day on Mondays.

Set up time for you to have your appointments in the afternoon or early evening 5-6pm

Place in your scheduler blocks of pre-set times for appointments. If you have your schedule preset then you will control your time, utilizing alternate of choice keeps the client from "stealing" valuable marketing time to keep your sales pipeline full of leads. This will also allow for time to follow up on leads, complete CRA's, etc.

Use Management One’s One-touch system- this is key to keeping up on your schedule and providing excellent customer service .

Here is a sample of a daily schedule:


  1. Check your voice mails and emails
  2. Call NEW NPO Leads
  3. Confirm your appointments for the day
  4. Conduct follow up calls
  5. Send any short emails to owners, agents, etc.

10:00am - 12:00pm

Work up any CRA’s (Certified Rental Analysis within your NPO)

  1. Then call those NPO's on the CRA’s that you were to contact that day
  2. Set up and email packages you need to email out or for face to face appointments
  3. Complete paperwork and turn in new files to operations

1:00pm- Return phone calls off voice mail or emails

1-5pm Appointments- (you would have appointments at 1pm, 3pm and 5pm) Each appoint you should allow 2 hrs which would include 30 min drive time and time to return some calls or emails in between. Call new leads first. If you don’t have appointments in these times frames you can return call, leads, prep paperwork, etc.

You should average, once you’re up and running, 3-8 appointments per week.

Thursdays mornings are usually used for boots on the ground marketing (visiting RE offices, attending local RE board meetings, giving presentations to Real Estate or Mortgage offices). (See PPT Pres for this)

Thursday afternoons are good time to cleanse everything you’re working on so you’re ready for another week.

Fridays are usually not a good day to do marketing to Real Estate offices as most agents don't come in on Fridays or they may take off early. Your time would be better spent finalizing anything you have in the pipeline.

To eliminate not reaching clients it’s critical that you return calls for about 30 min on Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday, and Thursday as early as 7:00 am and in the evenings from your cell phone (Use a company cell phone or block your numbers - you will thank me for this later) at about 7-8pm. You will normally only get a hold of 1 or 2 clients but in 22 work days that could be 20-40 you would not have gotten to.

This just gives you a typical week and it will change, however do not have telephone or face to face appointments in the morning as it will destroy your pipeline and in 2 months you’ll wake and you will have no one calling.