Add & Submit an Application Online

Select New Application from the Application Dashboard

From the Tree View:

  1. Expand Leasing
  2. Select Application Dashboard
  3. Click New Application from Horizontal Navigation

Online Rental Application

1. Proceed to have the information filled into the form. (All color filled fields are required in order to the entry to save.)

  • This can be done by providing this screen on a computer or tablet to the Prospective Resident
  • or the Leasing Agent can fill in the information off of a pre-filled printed application provided by the Prospective Resident.

Either way, this form is used to digitize the information and feed it into the M1 Solutions Software to be used in the Dashboard, Evaluation, and Input screens of the Leasing Process.

2. Mark the Signature Area (This can be the signature by the Resident or a "Mark"** by the Leasing Agent

** This is the same signature or mark that will appear on the Landlord and Employer Verification forms when they are generated in the M1 Solutions Software.

3. Click CONTINUE APPLICATION (This will create the Application Entry in the M1 Solutions Software and can be retreived in the Application Dashboard Screen)

The next screen will be the Upload Documents and Application Fee Screen.

Automated Email

An automated email is sent to the email address as listed in the application, for the prospective applicant.

Within this email is a generated link unique to the file created for the application in the M1 Solutions Software. This link will allow the prospect to access the 2nd screen in the online application process to Upload Documents as well as to Submit their Application Fee electronically.

This is helpful for the applicant if they need to access this page to upload more documents or was unable to make a payment at the time of the original entry.

Uploading Documents

To upload documents using the online Upload Documents screen

  1. Select the file type from the drop down menu provided
  2. Click BROWSE
  3. Select the file from the search window that appears for your computer. The file name will appear in the Selection Window.
  5. The file will be added to the list of Uploaded Documents

Application Fee

*      Disclosures and Fee Breakdown is editable in Set-up (see add'l training)

  1. Click BUY NOW to submit a payment online