How to Add & Amend Amenities

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From the Tree View:

  1. Expand Setup
  2. Select Amenities

Property Amenities and Utilities

Property Amenities and Utilities

To Add Amenities

To Add Amenities
  1. Select the Sort number you want the amenity to appear in,
  2. Enter the Code Description
  3. Enter the Abbreviation
  4. Determine if this is an Amenity that will show in the CRA (Select Yes or No from drop down)
  5. Enter the Comparative Rental Analysis (CRA) Value Amount
  6. Then click ADD


* To erase an item, click DELETE directly to the right on the same line of the item to be deleted.                

To Amend Amenities

To Amend Amenities
  1. Edit the Code Description (by placing your cursor in the code description box and type over)
  2. Change whether to show in the Comparative Rental Analysis - CRA (Select Yes or No from the drop down)
  3. Change the Comparative Rental Analysis (CRA) Value Amount
  4. Then click UPDATE