Resident Security Deposit Disbursement
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From the Tree View:
- Expand Resident
- Select Security Disbursement
- Click NEW button to start a new breakdown
New Security Deposit Disbursement

Security Deposit Disbursement Detail

- Select a resident from the Resident Drop-down (these are all residents that have a Pending Status); once selected, the Security Deposit amount & the Refund Date will appear.
- Enter the resident’s new mailing address; if a new address has not been provided, enter the existing property address
- Select the Reason for Moving from the Drop-down list
- Enter in Notes if you wish for a notation to appear onto the breakdown
- Click SAVE
- Under the Transfer Resident Charges from Job Estimate section, Select the Job Estimate from the drop-down menu
- Then click TRANSFER
- Review each item that has been transferred to confirm that you wish the charges to remain and/or you may edit any item if need (If any item is edited, click UPDATE for the edited items to be saved)
- ADD any Individual Line Items that the resident may owe; such as rent, late fees, etc. (Select a title, write a description, give it a cost amount, then click ADD)
- Once completed, check-mark the box at the top Save to Resident File Cabinet
- Then click PRINT PREVIEW for a hard copy