Route Management
This function is used to better route your day in the field
Access Route Management

From the Tree View:
- Select Tablet Menu
- Select Route Management
Creating a Route List

- Search for and select a property by typing the first few letters of the street name in the Yellow Box,
- Press ENTER on your qwerty/display keyboard
- Click on the Drop-down Menu
- Then select the appropriate Property from the Drop-down menu
- Click Add to List
Editing your Route

- Once all properties have been selected/added, they can Move Up or Move Down, by clicking on the links, to make your route flow more efficiently
- Click the Map link to open the property in your Tablet Map (then you can start your route guidance from your Current Location using GPS).
- The other inspection links are available at your convenience by clicking as needed to confirm the property condition on the last inspection(s)
* Once the inspections have been completed, Click Clear List to remove properties from the list