Manage Resident Balances

Manage Resident Late Fee Balances

* New Section Manage Resident Balances

From the Tree View:

  1. Expand Acct Receivables
  2. Select Late Fees
  3. Click the LOAD Button Under the Manage Resident Balances Section *

* This will load all residents with account balances

** Export and Print Options for selected Resident Balance Reports

Printing and Exporting Options

From the Late Fee Management Screen:

After Loading all properties with Resident Balances

1.   Check the Report checkbox for the Property(s) you want to generate a Report for.

1a. Or Checkmark Check All to select all the properties that generated

2.   Select the Template to display the report from the dropdown list

3.   Click PRINT PREVIEW to print the report(s)

3a. Or Click EXPORT RESULTS TO CSV FILE to generate a spreadsheet of the generated list appearing

4.   Or Checkmark Email Resident Notification and then click PRINT PREVIEW to email the Resident with a notification regarding the outstanding balance.


** Upon printing, 3 data stamps occur in the background. The outstanding ledger items are recorded as having notified the resident, per the template they chose. NOTICE HISTORY is also recorded in th resident detail screen as well as the resident notes. Therefore, this helps Accounting to stay on top of notifying residents with outstanding balances and hoefully leads to better collection of the fees.