How to Add a New User

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From the Tree View:

  1. Expand Setup
  2. Select Add New User
  3. Enter in all of the user information
  4. Upload a Picture or Icon of User by clicking Browse and tagging the file from your computer
  5. Assign a Logon Name & Password
  6. Select the User’s Role from the drop-down menu, which you wish to assign them, deposing on their position
  7. Confirm the Status is as "Active" from the drop-down menu
  8. Then click SAVE


* If you wish to grant or deny access to your user on particular functions within their role or add additional tasks, under Module Access Exceptions select from the Module drop-down menu; Choose their Access level for that Module item from the drop-down menu selecting "Write, Read or Deny" and then Click ADD.                

User Detail Setup

User Detail Setup