Good Faith Estimate

The Good Faith Estimate is Generated as a Proper Disclosure of the Breakdown of all Fees the Owner should expect in the Course of the Property Management Services that will be provided.

Pulling up the Good Faith Estimate

Pulling up the Good Faith Estimate

From the Tree View:

  1. Expand the Category "Owner"
  2. Select Rental Analysis
  3. Enter the Owner Name, (NPO # or Date Range)
  4. Then, click SEARCH
  5. Select the View Link of the Comparable Rental Analysis for the appropriate Owner

Filling in the GFE

Filling in the GFE

From the Comparable Rental Analysis Screen:

Scroll all the way to the bottom...

  1. Enter in the Agreed Upon Rent Range (High & Low)
  2. Enter in the Average Rent (Middle of High & Low Rent) and Fees
  3. Enter in the Initial Start Up Costs (Fees and Reserve Amt)
  4. Enter any Ongoing Charges to be expected
  5. Then, click SAVE
  6. Check mark Email Owner*
  7. Check mark Copy Good Faith to NPO File Cabinet**
  8. Then, click PRINT PREVIEW

Note: To print a copy of the GFE, you would only have to select PRINT PREVIEW (without any other checkmarks/selections) and a separate window will open from which you can print the report.

* Check marking Email Owner, and Clicking PRINT PREVIEW will send a copy of the GFE to the owner via email

** Check marking Copy Good Faith to NPO File Cabinet, and Clicking PRINT PREVIEW will save a copy of the GFE and embed a link in the NPO Form for this file.

Report - Good Faith Estimate

Report - Good Faith Estimate

Report Navigation:

  1. Subject Property Address
  2. Agreed Upon Rent Range
  3. 1st Month Breakdown
  4. 2nd Month and Each Month-there-after Breakdown
  5. Initial Start Up Investment Breakdown

Header & Footer Information:

a. Company Logo

b. Office Name and Contact information

c. Report Name

d. Parties of Report (Prepared For; Prepared By)

e. Date the Report was Run / Printed

f. Page Number of Report