Introduction & Use of the Lease Input Detail Screen

Video : Filling out a Lease Packet using the Lease Input Detail

Select New Application from the Application Dashboard

From the Tree View:

  1. Expand Leasing
  2. Select Application Dashboard
  3. Click Lease Input Link for the selected applicant

Overview: Lease Input Detail

Lease Input Detail Orientation

1. Tree Navigation

2. Horizontal Navigation

3. Property Detail

  • Property Address
  • Agreement Date

4. Resident Detail

  • Primary Resident First Name
  • Primary Resident Last Name
  • Secondary Resident First Name
  • Secondary Resident Last Name
  • Additional Resident Names
  • Co-signer Name
  • # of Occupants
  • # of Pets
  • Pet Types/ Names

5. Terms & Conditions

  • Term of Lease
  • Beginning Date
  • Expiration Date
  • Rent Per Month
  • Security Deposit Amount
  • Pro-Rated Rent Amount
  • Daily Rent Value Amount
  • # of Pro-Rated Days
  • Pro-Rated Rent Month
  • Date Rent is Due
  • Late Rent Fee Amount
  • Utilities Provided  (Y or N)
  • Utilities Included (Water, Trash, and/or Sewer)
  • Additional Security Amount
  • Front Lawn Service  (Y or N)
  • Rear Lawn Service  (Y or N)
  • Pool Service   (Y or N)
  • Who Services the Pool
  • Pet Deposit Amount
  • Service Animal  (Y or N)
  • Liquidated Damages Amount (as a % or Flat Rate)
  • Cancellation Fee Amount (as a % or Flat Rate)
  • Total Move-In Balance Amount

6. Property Access

  • # of House Keys
  • # of Mailbox Keys
  • # of Pool Keys
  • # of Security Gate Keys
  • # of Padlock Keys
  • # of Garage Remotes
  • HOA Detail

7. Manage Lease Documents

   a. Manage Documents

  • Lease Template drop-down menu
  • Add Document button
  • Update Edited Below button
  • Print/Preview Docs button

   b. Created Legal Documents

  • Name of Template Used
  • Status of Document
  • Date Document was Created
  • Name of Parties to the Document
  • Comments
  • Refresh Docs link
  • Delete link

   c. Applicant Correspondence

  • Status drop-down menu
  • SAVE button
  • Email Docs To Applicant for Signature button
  • Email Docs to Resident After Signed button

   d. Resident File Cabinet Upload of Legal Documents

  • Copy Docs To Resident Detail File Cabinet button (*Resident Detail would need to already exist for this resident in order for this action to be completed)

   e. Owner Correspondence

  • Email Lease Docs To Owner Button

8. Notes & Applicant Files

   a. Manage Documents

  • Notepad
  • ADD button
  • Notepad History

   b. Input Screen Applicant File Cabinet

  • Upload Documents "Browse for File" button
  • File identified field
  • ADD button
  • Hyper-linked List of Uploaded Documents
  • Delete link

   c. Resident File Cabinet Upload of Input Screen File Cabinet Documents

  • Copy Files To Resident Detail File Cabinet button (*Resident Detail would need to already exist for this resident in order for this action to be completed)


Confirm all Fields are Filled in and Generate the Proper Template FORM Document

From the Lease Input Screen

1. The Property Detail Section fields will be filled in with carry over information from the previous screens

  • The Agreement Date will auto-populate for today's date

* Both fields can be edited by placing the cursor in the data field and typing

  • Click SAVE (to save any changes)


2. The Resident Detail Section fields will be filled in with carry over information from the previous screens

* All fields can be edited by placing the cursor in the data field and typing

  • Click SAVE (to save any changes)


3. The Terms & Conditions Section fields will need to be filled in

  • Click SAVE


4. The Property Access Section fields will need to be filled in

  • Click SAVE


5. Under Manage Lease Documents

a. Generate each Document by selecting them one at a time from the template drop-down menu and selecting ADD DOCUMENT

b. The documents generated will appear as a list. Each document can be viewed by selecting the hyper-linked title. Depending on how you have your browser set up, the document will appear in a new window.

Email the Lease Documents to the Resident for Review and Signature

From the Lease Input Screen

  1. Select the document by clicking on the check box
  2. Select Email Docs to Res For Sign
  3. The Status will automatically update once the resident Signs the document.

* Any files still required, can be uploaded using the applicant's unique link that was emailed to them when they initially started the application process. This will take them back to the Upload Documents page online is useful for uploading the Renter's Insurance Declaration and Utility Form as well as any other documents that still may be required for them to turn in before they can move in.

Any uploaded documents using the applicant's unique link will first post to the Application Evaluation file cabinet and then will carry over into the Lease Input Screen file cabinet.

**Alternatively, documents can be uploaded directly to the Lease Input Screen file cabinet by selecting the Choose File browse button, then once the file has been identified on the computer, select ADD (this will only add this document to the Lease Input Screen file cabinet).