Bulk Invoice Posting

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This function is used to pay invoices that have been submitted by vendors through the vendor portal.

How to Process Invoice Posting in Bulk - Video

Proof the Invoice

Proof the Invoice

From the Tree View:

  1. Expand ACCT Payable
  2. Select Bulk Invoice Post
  3. Select a Property or a Vendor from the list (or just leave blank to load all outstanding invoices)
  4. Select SEARCH
  5. Proof the Invoice by clicking the INV ID link to review the invoice

Note: The invoice selected will pop-up in a different browser screen. (Make sure Pop-ups have been enabled in your Internet Browser on your computer).

"NOT OK" to Pay

"NOT OK" to Pay

Once you have Proofed the invoices to pay:

If "NOT OK" to pay ...

  1. Click the Mark Incomplete button
  2. Enter a reason in the Reason for Incomplete Status box at the top
  3. Then click UPDATE.

Note: This will send a notification to the vendor telling them why their invoice has been rejected so they may correct it and resubmit for payment

"OK" to Pay

"OK" to Pay

Once you have Proofed the invoices to pay:

If "OK" to pay, (and THERE ARE sufficient funds to pay the invoice)...

  1. Select the Expense Code, which applies to the invoice type, from the drop down menu
  2. Then select the Pay link to the right

Note: The Active Vend WO column indicates if there are multiple statements of work pending (this could be additional invoices on the same work order number and/or estimates that may be pending)

Automated Processes for Bulk Invoice Posting

Once the item has been selected to pay, the following process will be automatically completed:

  1. The invoice will be linked to the property ledger
  2. The invoice will be automatically saved in the property file cabinet under invoices
  3. The work order will automatically be closed out (providing no additional statements of work are open/pending)
  4. The check will be put in the buffer to cut to the vendor
  5. The work order status will automatically change to PAID on the Vendor Portal