(LMS) Leasing Maintenance Status
This Algorithm is used to determine the Date a property can be Available for a Resident to take possession.
To work this Algorithm, one must count down or count backwards, meaning on day one (i.e., the property is Vacant and the Property Inspector can perform his initial [FWT] First Walk Through) the schedule affords 17 days until the property is available for move-in.
-All Properties must correlate their position on the Keyboard with their Occupancy Status and reflect their availability dependent on their (LMS) Leasing Maintenance Status as indicated in the (ILR) Internal Leasing Report and (RML) Resident Move In Ledger.
- Keyboard
- (ILR) Internal Leasing Report
- (RML) Resident Move-in Ledger
M1 Rehab Algorithm "For Rent" Inventory Tool
As the schedule progresses each status acts as a milestone with a certain number of days afforded for that phase in the process. It will be very apparent if there is an issue in meeting the deadline to make this property available by the calculated date, if the property status does not correlate with the calculated days in the process. For example, if today's date is the 11th, and the property is committed to a New Resident to be ready on the 17th, then the status needs to be (WBD) Work Being Done in order to be on schedule. If the Status is still (WF) Waiting Funds from the owner, then the number of days available for the contractors to complete the work and the time needed for the Property Inspector to perform his Final Walk Through is now greatly restricted and chances are the Resident Move-in Date will have to be pushed out, which can cause a number of issues on all parties including expenses and scheduling.
-All Properties must correlate their position on the key board with their Occupancy Status and reflect their availability dependent on their (LMS) Leasing Maintenance Status as indicated in the (ILR) Internal Leasing Report and (RML) Resident Move In Ledger.
The keyboard is organized and segregated by 5 Colors which correlates directly with 3 reports; (ILR) Internal Leasing Report, (RML) Resident Move-in Ledger & the (COL) Close-Out Ledger; as well as denotes the current level of occupancy.
Orange- Owner occupied
Blue- Vacant
Green- Tenant occupied
White- Rented/Move-in
Yellow - Closeout
Key Board Statuses & Rental Categories

There are only 4 statuses a property will be in, within our inventory.
- For Rent
- Move-in
- Rented
- Closeout