Daily Deposit Process Overview

A. Select a Property Ledger

A. Select a Property Ledger

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  1. Locate the property in which the funds received are to be applied
  2. Click on the ledger for the property

B. Apply Pending Receivables

B. Apply Pending Receivables

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If the funds received are for any pending receivable, apply the funds as needed

  1. Enter the income with the income code that describes the funds received and select the resident name if the item is paid by the resident so they get proper credit. Many rental income codes related to residents will force you to select the resident, however other codes will not.

C. Adding Pending Receivables

C. Adding Pending Receivables

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Should there be any outstanding funds owed by the resident, enter the item(s) as pending receivable so it alerts all parties of what is still owed.

  1. Do a separate income code entry for each type of income that is paid. If someone pays a lump sum but it is to cover multiple items, it is recommended to break the items out so that the ledger clearly shows what makes up the deposit, and to avoid future questions.
  2. Once all credits have been applied, move onto the expenses.

D. Pay Fees

D. Pay Fees

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  1. Confirm all fees owed to the company have been taken. Take each item out separately if multiple fees are owed. Again, this helps clarify to the client what is being deducted to prevent concerns of overcharges.

E. Pay Invoices / Bills

E. Pay Invoices / Bills

1. Confirm all pending payables have been paid if applicable  

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2. Confirm all expenses have been posted                            

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3. Confirm all outstanding invoices/bills/etc. have been paid  

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F. Update Ledger Minimum

F. Update Ledger Minimum

Now let's verify if the ledger minimum is accurate. If the ledger minimum is at the standard minimum it is recommended to verify if there are any outstanding work orders that approval has been given for an amount that exceeds the standard ledger minimum amount. If there is nothing outstanding that this would affect, proceed back to the ledger amount.

  1. If there are outstanding items, proceed to the owner fees section in the property detail screen and update the ledger minimum to retain the standard amount plus the amount to cover the forthcoming invoice(s)
  2. In the event the ledger minimum was increased prior, verify that all work orders have been resolved/paid and no other funds are needed and decrease the ledger minimum back to the standard retain.

G. Enter a Disbursement Check to the Owner

G. Enter a Disbursement Check to the Owner

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  1. Proceed back to the ledger and enter a disbursement check to the owner less the ledger minimum (if applicable)
  2. Continue this process for all funds received for other properties

H. Deposit Receipt

H. Deposit Receipt

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  1. Once all funds have been processed into the ledgers, continue to the Deposit Receipt screen under Account Receivables.
  2. Verify that all entries made match the funds that you have in hand and that no data entry errors have been made.
  3. Once you have verified that all funds match the entries, process the deposit receipt. The deposit receipt should always match the deposit that is taken to the bank to ensure a seamless reconciling process the following month.
  4. After the deposit receipt has been processed, continue to print checks if applicable. 

I. Process Funds

I. Process Funds

1. Proceed and print hard copy checks as needed          

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2. Then Proceed to Paybatch checks as needed  

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