Inactivating Accounts

  1. Select PROPERTY from the tree view in M1 Software.
  2. Select PROPERTY
  3. Enter property and SEARCH
  4. In Property Detail, change the property status to INACTIVE.
  5. Select the OWNER DETAIL
  6. Confirm if the owner has any other properties that are currently being managed, if not then change the owner status to DISABLED and SAVE.

Note: It is important that this process is followed on the Close-out Procedure Checklist to avoid being charged a software usage charge for an account that is no longer being serviced. The software usage per property is charged on all property status’ with the exception of DELETE due to items being stored. If you wish not to be charged for properties, INACTIVE then it is recommended to export all data on the property then change the status to DELETE (this charge is if the minimum accounts of 200 has already been met)