Resident Security Deposit Disbursement

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From the Tree View:

  1. Expand Resident
  2. Select Security Disbursement
  3. Click NEW button to start a new breakdown

New Security Deposit Disbursement

New Security Deposit Disbursement

Security Deposit Disbursement Detail

Security Deposit Disbursement Detail
  1. Select a resident from the Resident Drop-down (these are all residents that have a Pending Status); once selected, the Security Deposit amount & the Refund Date will appear.
  2. Enter the resident’s new mailing address; if a new address has not been provided, enter the existing property address
  3. Select the Reason for Moving from the Drop-down list
  4. Enter in Notes if you wish for a notation to appear onto the breakdown
  5. Click SAVE
  6. Under the Transfer Resident Charges from Job Estimate section, Select the Job Estimate from the drop-down menu
  7. Then click TRANSFER
  8. Review each item that has been transferred to confirm that you wish the charges to remain and/or you may edit any item if need (If any item is edited, click UPDATE for the edited items to be saved)
  9. ADD any Individual Line Items that the resident may owe; such as rent, late fees, etc. (Select a title, write a description, give it a cost amount, then click ADD)
  10. Once completed, check-mark  the box at the top Save to Resident File Cabinet
  11. Then click PRINT PREVIEW for a hard copy