Property Kills

In order to process the "Kill", the holding deposit needs to be paid before you even get the kill paperwork. (If they overpay on their holding deposit, add it to their Holding Deposit and transfer it to the trust).

M1 Instructions for a Holding Deposit:

  • Income (101) Holding Deposit
  • Expense (201 & 202) 201 Commission and 202 Rent up (Lease Up) Fee

Once the holding deposit has been processed, you can proceed to do the kill of the property.

Kill on M1

Kill on M1:

  1. Go to property under the tree, search property and access the command center
  2. Go into property detail
  3. Update date rented, move-in date, rental status on RML, choose a leasing agent and manager,
  4. Input new resident* (only first and last name), rental rate & rental information.
  5. Click on Lease (not M2M)
  6. Click SAVE

*If there is a current resident, you will need to change their rental status to pending before you can add a new resident.

Kill on MLS

Kill on MLS:

  1. Log in to account
  2. Click add/edit and choose property
  3. Change status to leased and input date leased
  4. Concessions amount: $0.00
  5. Notes: none
  6. Selling agent publid ID: click find and input login info. Select Ron's name and click Fill
  7. Click submit listing

*Don't forget to logout of the MLS

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