1099 Procedures

Confirm Social Security Numbers for Owners

Conduct a search and confirm all SSN’s are entered for all owners

From the Tree View:

  1. Expand OWNER
  2. Select OWNERS from the drop down menu
  3. Select ALL
  4. Then select SEARCH
  5. Scan the page and Confirm all SSN's are entered and a YES is showing in the 1099 column for all owners.

Confirm Tax ID Numbers for Vendors

Conduct a search and confirm all TIN’s are entered for all vendors

From the Tree View:

  1. Expand VENDOR
  2. Select VENDORS from the drop down menu
  3. Select ALL
  4. Then select SEARCH
  5. Scan the page and Confirm all TIN's are entered and a YES is showing in the 1099 column for all owners.

Reports to Generate for Accountant

From Tree View:

  1. Expand REPORTS
  2. Select REPORTS
  3. Run OWNER 1099 STATEMENTS for year 1/1  12/31 (14)
    1. export report
    2. delete column with second owner/contact
    3. delete column with property i.d. #
    4. then SAVE as an excel file
  4. Run VENDOR 1099 STATEMENT for year 1/1  12/31 (19)
    1. export report
    2. delete lines with home warranty and utility companies
    3. then SAVE as an excel file
  5. Send both reports to accountant to mail out 1099s.

Generate Inactive List

From the Tree View:

  1. Expand REPORTS
  2. Select REPORTS from the drop-down list
  3. Run INACTIVE LIST 1/1 – 12/31 (44)
  4. PRINT inactive list.

Generate Account Statement/Summary

From the Tree View:

  1. Expand REPORTS
  2. Select REPORTS from the drop-down list
    1. Highlight all active & inactive properties from calendar year on to the previous inactive list and pending close out properties. (All other properties need to be un-highlighted.)
    1. Highlight all active & inactive properties from calendar year on to the previous inactive list and pending close out properties. (All other properties need to be un-highlighted.)
  5. Package account statement/summary statements and mail out by January 30th