Security Deposit Breakdowns To Residents

Security Deposit Checklist

Security Deposit Checklist

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Security Deposit Disbursement Detail

Security Deposit Disbursement Detail
  1. Select a resident from the Resident Drop-down (these are all residents that have a Pending Status); once selected, the Security Deposit amount & the Refund Date will appear.
  2. Enter the resident’s new mailing address; if a new address has not been provided, enter the existing property address
  3. Select the Reason for Moving from the Drop-down list
  4. Enter in Notes if you wish for a notation to appear onto the breakdown
  5. Click SAVE
  6. Under the Transfer Resident Charges from Job Estimate section, Select the Job Estimate from the drop-down menu
  7. Then click TRANSFER
  8. Review each item that has been transferred to confirm that you wish the charges to remain and/or you may edit any item if need (If any item is edited, click UPDATE for the edited items to be saved)
  9. ADD any Individual Line Items that the resident may owe; such as rent, late fees, etc. (Select a title, write a description, give it a cost amount, then click ADD)
  10. Once completed, check-mark  the box at the top Save to Resident File Cabinet
  11. Then click PRINT PREVIEW for a hard copy
  12. Once the breakdown has been typed up and completed; print out 3 hardcopies (1 for the resident (s), 1 to mail to the owner, 1 for office records)
  13. Prepare Cover Letter
  14. Write out a check transferring the entire security deposit from the Gold Account to the Blue Account
  15. Proceed to the property ledger to transfer and finalize funds

The next steps are from the Most Commonly Used Codes so please use those that apply if a refund is due to the resident or if the entire amount is being forfeited to the owner, skip the 216 code.             

Security Deposit Out

503 Security deposit transfer from gold account

(Hand written check from Gold made to Blue for the total security deposit amount. Select proper resident name, enter Gold check # and amount of full security deposit)

216 Refund to ex-resident: select resident name, amount of refund

(If no funds due, skip this step and continue to 218)

218 Security forfeit to owner (ALWAYS payable to Company Blue)

(Amount retained from security)

108 Received from forfeit deposit (ALWAYS same amount as 218)

(Pay any utility bills owed by resident, late fee & rent commissions if applicable)


Security Deposit Full Refund - Reputation Management

When a resident gets their full security deposit back, have them come into the office, personally, to receive their check and a thank you for their patronage.  While they are in the office, ask the resident to write a Yelp review for $25 Starbucks card as well as another $25 gift card for a Google Plus Review. However, this must be done in the office and on their cell phone (it tracks the GPS location and impartiality of the resident, this give the review a higher ranking) and this is the best chance for it to stick on sites. Ask the resident to (write a story) About their experience with management one.

  1. Request a personal appearance to deliver their security deposit reimbursement
  2. Ask for a Yelp Review and Google Plus Review
  3. Offer a $25 Starbucks Gift Card for each review
  4. Caveat; Must be done on their Cell phone & at your office location
  5. Ask them to write about an experience