Late Fee Report

This Report is used to generate a list for outstanding Late Fees

This report is used to Add and Process Late Fees within the system and is not meant to be in any exported or printed format.

Late Fee Management

Late Fee Management

In the Tree View:

  1. Expand ACCT Receivable
  2. Select Late Fees from the Drop-down list
  3. All outstanding Late Fees will Generate in a list

Click Here To Learn How to Set Up and Process Late Fees

Late Fee Report

Late Fee Report
  1. Command Center Hyperlink
  2. Check Box to mark individually (* use the "Check All" Box to mark the entire list)
  3. The Calendar Day the Rent is Due
  4. The Number of Calendar Days after the Due Day for the Rent which are not counted as Late ("the Grace Period")
  5. The Number of Calendar Days after the Due Day for the Rent which begins to be counted as Late (Late Fee is owed and Daily Fee begins to accrue)
  6. Last Date which was counted Late
  7. Property Address
  8. Unit Number
  9. Rent Rate Value
  10. Applied Amount
  11. Owner Name
  12. Ledger Hyperlink
  13. Resident Name (Hyperlink to Resident Detail)
  14. Date of Last Posted Notice
  15. Date of Last 3-Day Notice Posted
  16. Lease Expiration Date
  17. Check Box to Email a Notice to the Resident (This will only apply to any check-marked Resident Accounts from the list)
  18. Apply Late Fee Button (This will only apply to any check-marked Resident Accounts from the list)


**You will notice that each of the Residents are color coded as denoted by the status legend

  1. Yellow indicates that Rent has not posted in a Month
  2. Orange indicates that Rent has not posted in 2 Months
  3. Red indicates that Rent has not posted in 3 months
  4. With Pink showing that a Partial Payment was recieved