(9) Deposit Detail

This Report is used to generate the Deposit Detail for a specific Deposit Key, Range or Income Amount

This report will generate as a PDF (.pdf) file only.

Report - 9

Report - 9

From the Tree View:

  1. Expand Reports
  2. Select Reports
  3. Select Report (9) Deposit Detail
  4. Enter in either the Deposit Key From & Deposit Key To; or Select from the Deposit Key Drop down List; or enter in the Income Amount you are searching for.
  5. Then, click SEARCH to run the Report

Note: A separate window will open where you can View, Print or Save the document.

Report - Deposit Detail

Report - Deposit Detail

Report Navigation:

  1. Deposit ID
  2. Property ID
  3. Property Address
  4. Entry Date of Deposit
  5. Accounting Ledger Code
  6. Payor Description
  7. Amount of Deposit
  8. Total Amount of Deposit
  9. Grand Total

Header & Footer Information:

a. Office Name and Contact information

b. Report Name

c. Date the Report was Run / Printed

d. Page Number of Report