How to Generate a Credit Screening Report

Click here to Watch Video Tutorial

**This feature utilizes a CIC Tenant Screening Account which must be Setup in the Location Detail Screen.

** Click here to View a Step-by-Step Tutorial Article

Go to the Application Evaluation Screen

From the Tree View:

  1. Expand Leasing
  2. Click on Application Dashboard
  3. Search for the Applicant by Last Name (or simply identify them from the Active List below)
  4. Click SEARCH
  5. Click Application Evaluation for the selected applicant

Generate the Credit Screening Report

From the Application Evaluation Screen:

  1. Confirm all Highlighted fields in Applicant Detail and Rental History Sections are filled in.
  2. Checkmark Process New?

*To generate the credit screening report for the Secondary Resident follow the same steps, but select Secondary on the Right.

View the Credit Screening Report

Under Credit Screening Report Section:

After the Credit Screening Report has been generated...

  1. The Current CIC Status will show as COMPLETED
  2. The Primary (P) Applicant Credit Screening Report button title, will change to View Report
  3. Click VIEW REPORT and the credit screening report will open in a separate window on your desktop.

After the Report is Generated you will want to Analyze the Credit Ratios

Click Here to view a Step-Step Tutorial Article

Save the Credit Screening Report to Notes & Applicant Files

* The credit report will save automatically to the Notes & Applicant Files Section as an uploaded document.

Any notations made on the pdf document can be saved but will need to be re-uploaded to this section by...

  1. Click Browse
  2. Select the file (the file name should then appear in the selection box)
  3. Click ADD