Payable Pending Posting

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This function is used to pay invoices that did not have sufficient funds at time of receipt.

Load a Pending Payable

Load a Pending Payable

To load a Pending Payable:

* From the Command Center:

  1. Enter the Street Name, Owner Last Name, or Resident Last Name for the property
  2. Then click on SEARCH
  3. Select CC link for property
  4. Once Populated, Click on the Ledger/Statement link in the Accounting Information Section

From the Ledger

From the Ledger

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From the Ledger:

Under the Expense column select the following:

  1. Expense code from the drop down that applies to the invoice
  2. Select the vendor to pay from the drop down
  3. Enter any notes should they be needed
  4. If the invoice is for an open work order, enter in the M1 WO#
  5. Enter in the dollar amount of the invoice
  6. Browse and upload an Image/copy of the invoice (if you wish to have it linked to the ledger item and saved in the file cabinet)
  7. Check the Pending Payable box
  8. then click POST

* Note: This item will then appear in the upper right corner of the screen as a Pending Payable item

Pay a Pending Payable

Pay a Pending Payable

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To pay a Pending Payable item from the ledger:

  1. Expand ACCT Payable
  2. Select Ledger
  3. Enter the Street Name, City, or Owner Last Name for the property
  4. Then click SEARCH
  5. Click on the Ledger link
  6. In the upper right corner under Pending Payable, click APPLY
  7. then POST

Note: Once the item has been selected to pay, the following process will be automatically completed:

  1. The invoice will be linked to the property ledger (if originally uploaded)
  2. The invoice will be automatically saved in the property file cabinet under invoices (if originally uploaded)
  3. The work order will automatically be closed out (providing no additional statements of work are open/pending)
  4. The check will be put in the buffer to cut to the vendor

Bulk Pending Post

Bulk Pending Post

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To pay a Pending Payable from the Bulk Pending Post Screen:

From the Tree View:

  1. Select ACCT Payable
  2. Select Bulk Pending Post
  3. Press LOAD below to list all Pending Payable Items
  4. Check individual or Check all items to be posted to the corresponding ledgers
  5. Click POST (Those items will be applied to the property ledger)
  • The system will notify you if some items failed to be posted as a result of insufficient ledger funds

Note: Once the item has been selected to pay, the following process will be automatically completed:

  1. The invoice will be linked to the property ledger (if originally uploaded)
  2. The invoice will be automatically saved in the property file cabinet under invoices (if originally uploaded)
  3. The work order will automatically be closed out (providing no additional statements of work are open/pending)
  4. The Pending Payable will be removed from showing outstanding in the property ledger
  5. The check will be put in the buffer to cut to the vendor