Annual Inspections

From the field while at the property

Accessing Annual Inspection Report on Tablet

Accessing Annual Inspection Report on Tablet

From the Tree View:

  1. Select Tablet Menu
  2. Select Annual Inspection

Create a New Annual Report

Create a New Annual Report
  1. Select New Annual
  2. Search for and select a property by typing the first few letters of the street name in the Yellow Box,
  3. Press ENTER on your qwerty/display keyboard
  4. Click on the Drop-down Menu
  5. Then select the appropriate Property from the Drop-down menu
  6. Click SAVE Annual

Filling out an Annual Report and adding Pictures during a Walk-through

Filling out an Annual Report and adding Pictures during a Walk-through

From the Annual Inspection Report Detail

  1. Continue down through each room and select the following Condition from the Drop-down List (Fair, Good, Poor or None)
  2. Select the type of item to be noted; either a Work order needs to be issued, a Recommended item is needed to be suggested to the owner or if a Violation needs to be issued
  3. Enter any Notes that may apply to the particular room/amenity
  4. To Add a Picture, if applicable, click on PICT for the item you want to add a picture for and you will be taken to the top of the screen.
  5. Click Add Picture Per Chosen Below (take a new picture or select from existing library)
  6. Click Upload Picture
  7. Click SAVE Annual


*   Only one photo per line item may be added. Should additional photos be needed for a room, Add an additional room at the top of the amenity list)

Resident Signature for Annual Inspection

Resident Signature for Annual Inspection

From the Annual Inspection Report Detail:

Once the walk through has been completed, you have the option of having the Resident Signature added; (this confirms that you’ve gone over the responsibility of the resident making sure the smoke detector and carbon monoxide batteries are changed on a regular basis and that all are currently operational).

To add a signature:

  1. Go to Step 1) Get Resident Signature and have the resident sign with their finger
  2. Click on Step 2) Enter Resident Name and type in their name
  3. Click SAVE (Signature Only)

This will complete the basic inspection while at the property.

Finalizing an Annual Report

Finalizing an Annual Report

From the Tablet Menu:

Once back in the office or after the appointment to finish up the report

  2. Enter Street Name in Search Criteria
  3. Click Search to locate the inspection
  4. Click View for the inspection in question
  5. Review Each Room to verify all columns are filled out per Room/Amenity as needed
  6. Once all has been verified, click Collect Notes From Room/Amenity; (*) this will compile all notes from the above inspection and transfer to the appropriate sections.
  7. Click Spell Check as needed.
  8. Click SAVE Annual
  9. Should there be work orders needed click Create W/ORD at the top of screen; this will transfer all items in the Needs Repair/Work orders Issued section to a new work order. (Then complete the work order as needed, in the actual work order screen)
  10. If a violation is need, click Main Menu at the top bar then continue to a) Violations and issue as needed.

Sending an Annual Report to the Owner

Sending an Annual Report to the Owner

Once all items have been completed, Review the inspection report and save to the file cabinet before sending to the owner.

  1. To review the complete report, click Send/Print Preview. The report will appear as a PDF on the screen for your review. If any changes are needed, go back to the original inspection and edit as needed
  2. Then click Save Annual.
  3. Click Send to File Cabinet and click Send/Print Preview to save the report in the property file cabinet
  4. Click Send Email to Owner and click Send/Print Preview, if you wish to email the report to the owner  
  5. This will frame out to the Email Message screen to continue to send
  6. Once the Send Email is selected, the report will be sent to the owner and a notation will automatically be entered in the property notepad that the inspection has been sent to the owner


  • This will automatically change the status of the annual from Active to Completed
  • This will automatically update the Annual Inspection report to show the inspection has been completed and not outstanding
  • If you wish to print a hardcopy, just click Send/Print Preview with not items to the right selected
  • If you wish to send a copy to the PI, if follow up is needed, then Click Send Email to PI and click Send/Print Preview