Introduction to the Property Ledger

This is the Property Ledger that Accounts for the entry of all Income and Expenses for the Property throughout the management of this Account. It encompasses the Owner, Resident, Vendors & Management Company and links all relative files for invoices, work orders & issued checks.

Click here to view a Video Tutorial

Open from the Tree View

Open from the Tree View

From the Tree View:

  1. Expand either ACCT Payable or ACCT Receivable
  2. Select Ledger
  3. Enter the Street Name, City, or Owner Last Name for the property
  4. Then click SEARCH
  5. Click on the Ledger link

Open from the Command Center

Open from the Command Center

From the Command Center:

  1. Select Command Center from the Tree
  2. Enter in the Street Name, Owner Last Name, or Resident Last Name for the Property
  3. Then Click SEARCH
  4. Select the CC link for the correct property (multiple properties may show up if they share the same street name)
  5. Once Populated, Click on the Ledger/Statement link under Accounting Information

Overview: Property Ledger

Overview: Property Ledger

Property Ledger Orientation

1. Tree View Navigation

2. Ledger Horizontal Navigation /

  • Menu Options
  • Owner (Last Name)
  • Resident (Status - Last Name)

3. Property Address & Identification #

4. Account Ledger Summary

  • Balance Amount
  • Minimum Retain Amount
  • Current Rent Rate
  • Election for Electronic Paylease Payment

5. Expense Entry

  • Accounting Code Drop Down List
  • Vendor Name or Second Owner Drop Down List
  • Resident Name Drop Down List
  • Payable to Primary Owner Check Box
  • Entry Note
  • Management Company Invoice # File Link Attachement
  • Vendor Invoice #
  • Management Company Work Order #
  • Override Checkbox
  • Entry Amount
  • Browse Button & Selected File Window
  • Pending Payable Check Box
  • Post Button

6. Income Entry

  • Accounting Code Drop Down List
  • Proof/Month Drop Down List
  • Resident Name Drop Down List
  • Entry Note
  • (Gold Account) Security Deposit Entry #
  • Entry Amount
  • Received Date
  • Pending Receivable Check Box
  • Post Button

7. Pending Transactions

  • Payable
  • Receivable

8. Owner Statement Message

  • Text Box
  • Save Button

*Text in the box will be displayed on the Ledger Statement

9. Ledger Load Range

  • 1 Week
  • 2 Weeks
  • 1 Month
  • 3 Months
  • 6 Months
  • 1 Year
  • Year To Date
  • All

10. Statement

  • Print Preview Button*
  • Send Email Check Box

11. Edited Items Below

  • Update Button

12. Add Invoice to Expense Selected Below

  • Browse Button & Selected File Window
  • Add Invoice Button

13. Ledger Entries

  1. Check #
  2. Attachment
  3. Check Status
  4. Date of Entry
  5. Accounting Income Code
  6. Accounting Expense Code
  7. Party for Entry ( Vendor / Owner / Resident )
  8. (Gold Account) Security Deposit Entry #
  9. Invoice # or Proof Month
  10. Invoice Hyperlink
  11. Management Company Invoice # (Hyperlink)
  12. Expense Column
  13. Income Column
  14. Account Balance Column
  15. Line Item Notes
  16. Pay Batch #
  17. Deposit #
  18. Deposit Date
  19. Reconciled Date
  20. Income Received Date
  21. 506 - Security Deposit Transfer to Trust Column
  22. Invoice File List
  23. View File Hyperlink
  24. Add Invoice to Ledger when Printing

Note:* To Print the Account Statement Select Print Preview from the Property Ledger Screen described as Item 10 Above. Another window will appear on your computer where you can Save or Print from, as needed.

Report - Account Journal / Owner Statement

Report - Account Journal / Owner Statement

This Statement can also be generated in the Reports Screen...Click Here to see a Step-By-Step Tutorial Article to see How.

Report Navigation:

  1. Account Owner Name & Mailing Address
  2. Account Subject Property Address
  3. Line Number
  4. Date of Ledger Line Item
  5. Unit Number
  6. Name of Payee or Payer
  7. Line Item Transaction Description
  8. Reference Description (Work Order #, Inv. #, Month, etc.)
  9. Hyperlink to file cabinet documents referenced
  10. Check # for issued payment
  11. Income Amount
  12. Expense Amount
  13. Ledger Running Balance

Header & Footer Information:

a. Company Logo

b. Office Name and Contact information

c. Report Name

d. Date the Report was Run / Printed

e. Account Lease Information

f. Page Number of Report