Standards of Conduct

(Your Company) expects that all employees conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner.  An employee should not conduct business that is unethical in any way, nor should an employee influence other employees to act unethically.  Furthermore, an employee should report any dishonest activities or damaging conduct to an appropriate supervisor.

In the event that you become aware of another employee’s behavior or actions, which you believe are inappropriate, illegal, problematic, or in any way inhibit or affect your job performance or the (Your Company) work environment, you should discuss such behavior or actions with the President, a Human Resources Manager or other appropriate management personnel.  

All reasonable concerns will be promptly, thoroughly and confidentially investigated by (Your Company) and, where necessary, appropriate corrective action will be taken.  You should not discuss such actions or behavior with other (Your Company) employees.  Your discussing such matters with other employees may  in and of itself  create an unacceptable work environment for which you will be held responsible and for which you may be disciplined in accordance with (Your Company)’s disciplinary policy.