Media Policies and Procedures

Computer Usage

No personal use is to be used now or in the future in connection with email.

• No personal use is to be used now or in the future in connection with internet.

• No authorization is given to use the company’s computers to check your personal e-mail or to look at other websites.

• No settings are to be changed on your individual workstations unless prior approval received from management.

• You must log off your station each night and turn off your monitor before leaving for the day to ensure back-ups to be successful.

• Should you have any challenges with your programs or hardware, you will alert management via email immediately.

The company computers are for company use only during business hours as well as outside of business hours.  Employee is hereby notified that the company, at its option may check all computers for traffic, etc. to include but not limited to checking emails.  All emails received and sent are considered property of the company.


Telephone Use

Telephones are provided to enable employees to carry out work assignments in an efficient manner. Personal telephone calls should be kept to a minimum (under 2 minutes) and personal toll calls should not be made at (Your Company)'s expense and should be done at your morning and afternoon break times or lunch time.

Personal cell phones must be shut off (set at vibrate is not acceptable) and are not to be used during business hours.  Employee may use their personal cell phone during breaks and during lunch period but should not be used at the workstation or in company business meetings. Property Inspectors and others who use their personal phones for (Your Company) Business may have them on when they are in the field only but the same policy applies in using them for personal use other than what has been set out herein. Should there be exceptions to this rule due to the position in the company it must be in writing from management.


Email & Phone Call Procedure

An email received shall be treated in the same manner as a phone message received. All emails and phone calls will need to be responded to by the end of each business day or as quickly as possible.

In the event you are not able to return an email or phone message by the end of the business day, employee is required to seek management assistance to return messages as all e-mails and messages must be returned before the end of each day.  In the event you leave the office for any reason, it’s the employee’s responsibility to have a co-worker comply with this strict policy.


GPS/Video/Recording of Phone Calls/Emails

  • Employee agrees that company vehicles are for business use only.  
  • Employee agrees to abide by all traffic laws when using a company vehicle.  
  • No personnel are to operate any company vehicle without management approval.  
  • No passengers unless (Your Company) personnel are authorized to be in the company vehicle.
  • No use of cell phone or texting while operating the company vehicle unless using a hands-free device.
  • Must be keep organized and serviced at all times.
  • No smoking, alcohol or drugs permitted in the company vehicle at any time.


Servicing Company Vehicles

Employee also agrees to the following:

  • Keep company vehicle to be free of debris at all times
  • Have washed weekly
  • Keep up on the monthly/bi-monthly maintenance service
  • Report any maintenance issues, etc.  in writing to a supervisor should they surface
  • Company vehicles must remain stocked with supplies at all times