
Both exempt and nonexempt employees will have federal and state taxes withheld from their wages.  Payroll checks will not be released prior to the set pay schedule for any reason, nor will they be released to anyone other than the employee.  

On all holidays everyone is required to work the day before or day after in order to be paid for the holiday.  

Performance Reviews

Every (Your Company) employee will be subject to a performance appraisal at least once a year.  The employee’s supervisor or a Human Resources Manager will give these reviews.  The reviews will focus on job-related strengths and weaknesses, as well as overall fit with the company.  Goals and improvement plans will be mapped out each review period and progress will be measured at the next review.

Performance reviews will determine salary increases and promotions.  Employees will have the opportunity to thoroughly review all performance appraisals and provide a written opinion.  All performance reviews and responses will become part of an employee’s personnel file.


Salary Increases

Salary increases are based on performance or promotion.  All salary increases are at the discretion of an employee’s supervisor and/or a Human Resources Manager.  


Bonus Structure

(Your Company) may institute a bonus structure or incentive plan at any time.  (Your Company) guarantees no bonus plans.  Any bonus structure will be determined by management and will likely include some level of performance achievement.  Employees will receive 30 days’ notice of any additions, subtractions, or changes to any new or existing bonus structure.

In the event a bonus incentive is in place, employee is paid on the 15th paycheck of the following month the bonus was earned.