Job Classifications

Employees are classified by two major categories: "Exempt" and "Non-exempt."  This handbook applies to both Exempt and Non-Exempt employees.

1. Exempt employees are generally salaried and fall into one or more of the following four classifications:  executive, professional, administrative, or sales. These employees are exempt from the applicable provisions of state and federal wage and hour laws (FLSA).


2. Non-exempt employees are eligible to receive overtime pay in accordance with state and federal wage and hour laws (FLSA). These employees are required to submit a time record for each pay period, approved by the appropriate supervisor, for the purpose of tracking hours worked and calculating compensation.


Employees are also classified within one of the following three statuses:

(1) Full-time: any employee that is regularly scheduled to work 35 hours a week or more.  Full-time employees are eligible for standard company benefits.

(2) Part-time: any employee that is regularly scheduled to work less than 35 hours per week.  Part-time employees are not eligible for standard company benefits except retirement plan.

(3) Temporary: any temporary work that has a predetermined start and end date of employment.  Temporary employees are not eligible for standard company benefits.