Reconciling Blue & Gold /General Trust Account

General Trust Reconciling (Blue)

General Trust Reconciling (Blue)

From the Tree View:

  1. Expand Reconcile
  2. Select Gen Trust (blue)
  3. Enter the Month-end Closing Date
  4. Enter the Statement Balance under Balance Information
  5. Then click SAVE
  6. Check off all items that have Cleared your bank statement.
  7. Then click UPDATE (if you need to leave the screen and continue later, make sure to click UPDATE before exiting to confirm all of your work has been saved)
  8. Confirm if you have any other bank adjustments to enter for Miscellaneous fees, etc. (If you have items to enter, enter under Miscellaneous Items, individually to track)
  9. Verify your Difference is ZERO (if not zero you are not in balance and will need to continue to look for the difference)
  10. Click the Finish box and then PROCESS
  11. Continue to Accounting Reports (expand Reports on Tree, then click on Reports) to run out Reconcile Report

Run Reconcile Reports

  1. #3– Blue Account Overview
  2. #5– Check Trans Detail
  3. #9– Deposit Detail

To Run the Reconcile Report #3

To Run the Reconcile Report #3
  1. Expand Reports from the tree view
  2. Select Reports
  3. Under Accounting Reports, select report #3– Blue Account Overview
  4. Select the period ending from the Blue Reconcile Date drop down in the Report Criteria section
  5. Select the type of Exported Document type from the Output Options (DOC for Word, XLS for Excel, or PDF)
  6. Then click SEARCH                

To Run the Reconcile Report #5

To Run the Reconcile Report #5
  1. Expand Reports from the tree view
  2. Select Reports
  3. Under Accounting Reports, select report #5– Check Trans Detail
  4. Select the period ending from the Blue Reconcile Date drop down in the Report Criteria section
  5. Select the type of Exported Document type from the Output Options (DOC for Word, XLS for Excel, or PDF)
  6. Then click SEARCH      

To Run the Reconcile Report #9

To Run the Reconcile Report #9
  1. Expand Reports from the tree view
  2. Select Reports
  3. Under Accounting Reports, select report #9– Deposit Detail
  4. Select the period ending from the Deposit Key Date Range (From / To), Deposit Key drop down and/or Income Amount in the Report Criteria section
  5. Then click SEARCH