MOLOS Recommended Culture

Your Company’s Culture

Word we use is "Resident" not "Tenant"

(Change your words and you will change your world - A must see, click on link) Click to Watch Video

  • Transfer phone calls with "my pleasure" or "certainly" (make it warm and fuzzy)
  • E-mails and letters


Start with Hope all is well with you…..

End with Warmest regards, Kindest regards, Kind Regards, Best Regards,

(Get Book we use in MV and put link in here)

  • Office design, clean, organized, upbeat, music on, high energy, TV’s showing properties you manage and creates excitement and urgency to rent and provides to entertain clients who are waiting to see a staff member. (Link to Mgt One Office in Corona)
  • Touch points like serving refreshments in the office gives you a great step up
  • Apparel needs to have your brand or a name tag on outer clothing  (Link to Apparel)
  • Logos inside your office for branding
  • Work station identification with your logo and name of division and staff member
  • Vehicles and Property Inspector need to have logo for branding and be organized and stocked  Click to watch a video on the PI Van and its Components (Link to Apparel)
  • Manager to call each owner each year to thank them for their business and ask for business and root out any complaints and build rapport with the client and created long term owners
  • Residents and Owners get a Thanksgiving card, not Christmas card as everyone gets one of those
  • 14 day survey goes out on all repairs to residents to ensure repairs were done on time and correctly as this will create long term residency since we can fix items quickly if repairs weren’t done correctly ( Link to Survey)
  • Send out Survey to 1/12 of owners and residents are surveyed to ensure good service and long term owners and residents. If you have less than 200 doors you can do this annually. (Link to survey example and survey monkey)