Phone Interview Questions

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Phone Interview Questions:


  1. Current Salary?
  2. Reason for leaving current/ past job?
  3. How many words per minute can you type?
  4. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
  5. Computer Knowledge: How well versed are you in using MS office?  Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor (for each)

Word, Excel, Power Point, Publisher, Outlook


  1. Do you have a Real Estate License?
  2. Do you have any Property Management Experience? If so, how many years
  3. Medical Plan:
  4. Phone Voice ___________________ Pleasant, Upbeat, Professional, etc.
  5. Attitude ___________________ Pleasant, Upbeat, etc.
  6. Did they view the website before the interview?
  7. DMV Record (if applicable- have them bring a DMV printout)
  8. Test & Credit check-more positives then negatives

Appt set for: _______________________