2nd Interview Questions (if applicable)

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Sample; 2nd Interview Questions (if applicable)

Applicant Name:                           Date          

A second interview is normally for supervisors or management.

Q. Walk me through a typical day at your last Job starting from when you left home.

(Looking for how detailed they are in their answers)



Q. What does the work integrity mean to you?

(You're looking for the word honesty)



Q. What are your short term Goals - Next Year's in two aspects-

1. Your growth within the company you will work for

2. Compensation exclusive of benefits

(What your wanting to see here is, do they have ambition and does what they are thinking in compensation match what the company can pay and afford?)



Q. Considering the Jobs you've held; how would youevaluate your performance?

(What you're looking for here is it the same answer the 1st interviewer received)


Q. What kinds of things would make you want to leave a job?

(What you're looking for here is it the same answer the 1st interviewer received)



Q. Tell me what you like least about your relationship with your co-workers?

(What you're looking for here is it the same answer the 1st interviewer received)



Q. What work Accomplishments makes you the proudest?

(What you're looking for here is it the same answer the 1st interviewer received)



Q. How do you manage the fact that part of your income is based on bonuses? How does that make you feel? (What you are looking for is either that they are uncomfortable of not knowing what to expect or excited to take on the challenge.)



Q. What questions do you have for me?



Q. Here is what I expect:

1. Run the office as if you owned it

2. Deadlines must be met, if not notify in advance

3. Do what you say you'll do and when you say you'll do it and make sure the team does as well

4. Results in growth

5. Results in cutting cost



Q. How would you feel in our weekly meeting if you’re not hitting your marks? (You are looking for here is do they get nervous, embarrassed or do they dig in and want to figure it out)



Q. Tell me how you have managed your time in the past and what office or computer tools you used to do it.



Q. Have you ever memorized a script before? If so how did you feel about it?



Q. What would make me believe you can sell prospective residents on our properties?



Summary of Interview


Next Step to take with applicant   By When _______________
