Payroll and Review System

Pay Period:

The staff gets paid on the 15th and 30th of each month. If the 15th or the 30th falls on a weekend or holiday then the staff gets paid the work day prior to the regular scheduled date.

All employees should be set up on direct deposit or fee based debit card provided by your payroll service provider (i.e. Chase Card), we don’t do hard checks to the staff unless they just started and there is not enough time to get them setup on either of those options.

If a hard check needs to be sent it needs to be mailed out in time for the employees to receive it on the actual pay day.


Reviews take place at 90 days of employment and at one year and annually thereafter. An employee performance packet will need to be filled out by management. Three weeks prior to the review give the employee the employee self-evaluation out of the performance review packet. Give the employee one week to return it to you.

Then print out all positive and negative notes from the Employee Database and turn in the employee performance packet along with the employee self-evaluation to management two weeks prior to the review so they have to time to complete the rest of the packet. Make sure to note the employee name and date of review on the upper right hand corner of the packet.

Once the reviews have taken place, the packets need to be turned in to HR so that the Employee Database can be updated, Payroll can be notified of any pay increases or bonuses, and the review can be placed in the employee file.

Incentive Bonus Structure:

(Amounts may vary by Company)