Process of a New Prospective Owner

  1. Leads come in via phone or email
  2. Return the call using the general outline script
    1. Ask if they have viewed the 7 slide presentation on the website
    2. Bring up NEW NPO in M1 Solutions Software
    3. Use outline to diagnosis, find the pain, and make it terminal- Provide a solution to get the appointment
    4. Place info into NPO within M1, while you are talking and use script on NPO in M1 Solution Software.
    5. Set appointment to call them back to go over the CRA (DO NOT SEND)
    6. Email them links in this order......
    7. E-1 from NPO in M1 Solution Software, this Links to owner testimonial page and video you provide in your website.
    8. PDF  Brochure they can view on line or print out. (Even if they saw the brochure online it's good to send it again, as it will show in the notes that it was sent) See Example click link
  3. Call back same day or next day to review the CRA and set appointment to conduct an online presentation. This allows you to discuss with them the value of your services and to show them exactly what is done for the management fee. (Use PPT  Pres ) If you set the appointment send the following:
    1. Send E -2A from your NPO which is a link to your sample management agreement and a list of the items they will need to have for your appointment so you can sign them up.
    2. Consider including an article pertaining to current market conditions. These articles can be found on Google.

If you don’t set the appointment:

  1. Send email E-2B from your NPO screen.  
  2. Call 2 days later and attempt to set the appointment to go see them and sign. If you do not reach them leave voicemail and send email from NPO labeled General email.
  3. Call again 2 days later and attempt to set the appointment


Call 7 days from the first call, if no answer leave message and send email E-3 from NPO and disable in NPO

Sample voice mail verbiage…

Hi John, I left a couple of message or e-mails and have not heard back from you, so at this point I will leave it up to you to get back to me if you require our services. If I don’t hear from you I will assume that you’ve made other arrangements, however we will add you to our e-newsletter filled with helpful tips about managing your property, and if we can be of help to you now or in the future please call me at 999-999-9999.

  1. Once a month you will transfer them and their e-mail into a drip system until they either decide to do business with you or ask to be removed or the remove themselves. What you send them will be covered is marketing.
  2. If  you set the appointment complete the prep for the appointment. (This can be done in 5-10 min)

At the appointment

  1. Take photo of front of property in daylight with your tablet
  2. View property with prospect.
  3. Take photos for advertising
  4. Fill out amenities
  5. Fill out 4 quadrants labeled hot buttons, leasing, rehab, accounting. You’re setting up the file and property on your first visit, don’t let them rush you tell them you will be typing to make sure you don’t forget anything about their property that would make it rent quickly.
  6. Do PPT Presentation at Kitchen table and go over management agreement and all ancillary paperwork

(You will go over the management agreement as you do the PPT presentation for better closing ration and time efficiency)

  1. Once they sign the management agreement follow the check list which will consist of keys, etc
  2. Double check NPO in amenities get all the details from the owner
  3. You’re done!